

Compliance for Lidl, is ingrained in our core values – respect, trust, recognition and responsibility – wherever we do business.

The Compliance Department are responsible for the implementation, continuous review and updating of our compliance programme to support our company principle:

“We comply with applicable law and internal guidelines.”

With our compliance programme, we want to establish compliance in the minds and actions of everything we do.

Scam Alert

Please be aware of a recent text message scam that has been circulating which has no association with Lidl Ireland/Lidl Northern Ireland (‘Lidl’). We would advise that you do not engage with any such texts. Lidl takes the protection of personal data very seriously and will only ever contact you directly via email, provided you have registered for our newsletter and consented to this. Similarly, please only ever enter our social media competitions through our official Facebook or Twitter accounts, which are verified with a blue tick.


Lidl Ireland GmbH

Main Road


Dublin 24


Registered in Ireland as Company No. 904141

VAT No. IE9513674T